We at Sunlight Ridge believe the Cloning process is the absolute beginning of the overall health and quality of our plants. We use reverse osmosis water with mild water conditioners to eliminate the possibility of un-wanted anaerobic bacteria or pathogens in our root zone during the rooting process. Our growers follow a strict Clone production process that ensures maximum root and foliage development so the young plant is off to a healthy and vigorous start. This ensures the plants ability to reach its fullest growth potential once it goes into coco coir for the next stage of the plant’s Veg process.

Once our clones have developed a healthy root zone, they are potted using a rich and locally manufactured Coco Coir and Perlite mix with a 50/50 ratio for maximum root aeration. We use a pure Granular Mycorrhizal Inoculum to naturally increase the water and nutrient uptake to enhance bright white roots and lush green foliage. Throughout the Veg process we use salt based fertilizers to ensure a well balanced and stable PH in the root zone as well as a balanced nutrient base to build a healthy stable plant. In addition to those fertilizers we add an Ammoniacal/Nitrate Nitrogen to help boost the growth of healthy foliage. Silica is used throughout the Veg feeding process to enhance stem and plant cell development which acts as a natural pest deterrent as well as reducing abiotic stress in the plant. Throughout the entirety of the Veg growth process, our growers are consistently pruning and shaping our plants to prepare the plants to produce large, healthy and beautiful fruit for our consumers.


Once our plants transition from our Veg room to the flower rooms, they are acclimated to the new lighting source and the climate is closely monitored to ensure a smooth transition to ensure minimal stress on our plants. We follow a strict climate and feeding standard operating procedure in order to deliver this consistent climate. While flowering our plants, we use salt based fertilizers to ensure a well balanced and stable PH in the root zone as well as a balanced nutrient base to build large, frosty and healthy flower. In addition to those fertilizers, we add flower boosters that use enzymes to extract sugars from the leaves and bring them to the flowers of the plant. This ensures the plant to grow large, robust and tasty flower for our consumers to enjoy. We supplement with Organic Compost Teas that are hand delivered to keep microbial life alive in the root zone to bring out the true aroma and taste of the flower. Prior to harvest, we closely monitor our plant’s trichome and resin production to maximize terpene and cannabinoids within the final product. All plants are thoroughly flushed to leach excess salts and nutrient tastes from the flower to ensure a smooth smoke and outstanding flavor.

All of our plants are grown with artificial lighting in a strictly controlled climate. Our indoor grow rooms and climates are closely monitored multiple times per day to ensure proper plant nutrient uptake and transpiration to ensure the integrity of our final product. Our growers follow an exceptionally meticulous standard operating procedure that has been developed over the 16 years of our head growers dedicated experience. We are constantly monitoring and changing the indoor climates to adjust to the plants different stages of life to maximize the fullest potential of the flower.


The Sunlight Ridge Harvest Team works under a strict deadline to get a flower room harvested and hung to dry. Having all hands on deck ensures the teams ability to achieve this goal in a timely manor in order to have the flower rooms reset for the next crop. Each plant is inspected, harvested and weighed to track consistency in yield and quality prior to being de-foliated and hung to dry. The plants are then dried in a fully controlled and monitored climate with thorough air flow to ensure no microbial growth compromises the product. Once the flower meets proper dryness levels, the product is then bucked down into air tight containers to begin the trimming and curing process. The flower is hand trimmed by our skilled trim team for a tight trim to reveal the natural beauty and shape of the flower. The flower is then stored in air tight containers and burped daily in a fully controlled and monitored climate. We do this for several weeks to ensure the release of CO2 and excess moisture in the flower to deliver a smooth and rich flavor for our consumers.

Sunlight Ridge sets a high standard to be met by our growers to ensure our customers satisfaction and needs are met every time they use a Sunlight Ridge product.